Monday, July 20, 2009

Life. GAH. at times i love it. but right's driving me crazy and pushing me to the breaking point. this pre-calculus class i'm taking is really testing my nerves, emotions, and spirit. i've never been so frustrated in my entire life! when i go into class, i feel like everyone in there is speaking chinese or something and i'm the only one who speaks english. all this math is a foreign concept to me. and i still have the joy of taking calculus I in the fall... anyways, i have two tests this week, one of them being my final, and i am so ready for this class to be over!!!

i think i'll just finish off by doing this survey my sister did on her blog.

Tag You're it...5 things
5 Things I was doing 5 years ago

1. in my sophmore year of high school
2. being excited about being an aunt for the first time
3. hanging out with Kristi, Meagan and Alisha
4. being a complete Harry Potter nerd
5. working on being first chair flute in orchestra

5 Things on my to do list
2. save up enough money to buy a new car or apartment
3. decide where i'm going to transfer
4. find a hobby that makes me happy
5. finish decorating my room

What I would do with a Million dollars
1. Pay off my credit card bill
2. Pay for my schooling
3. buy a house and a new car
4. savings
5. buy a new wardrobe

5 Places I have lived
1. Chandler, Az
2. Chandler, Az
3. Chandler, Az
4. Chandler, Az
5. did i mention i've lived in Chandler, Az???

5 Things I want to be doing in 5 years
1. have my B.S. in Psychology
2. engaged or married
3. have a great job
4. starting my own family
5. be back to a size 6 or even 4!