Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Hey y'all. My sister started one of these, so I thought I would too. I already have a livejournal, but I'm getting pretty tired of it. Plus, I thought it would be a good idea to start a new blog since I've started a new chapter in my life.

Well lately, my life has consisted of school, homework, sleep and more homework and sleep. I've discovered that Dr. Pepper is a wonderful thing when you're up at 11:30 at night trying to finish your homework that is due the next day. I'm highly looking forward to this weekend. I'm going on a date with Brad & Co. to Heritage's homecoming. It's about time I went on a date! My last one was in Feburary. I'm a little overdue! lol!

I'm gonna try and update this as frequently as I can. I should go and do that homework now. =]

1 comment:

Chapman family said...

Looks good Devree. Hope you can keep up with it better than I have been with mine. keep us posted.