Sunday, February 8, 2009

25 Random Things

My sister did this, so I thought I would too. =]

25 Random Things
1. I am in a lot of pain from snowboarding yesterday
2. I'm still trying to decide what I want to do for a living
3. I want to move out badly, but money is an issue. and so is my fear of being alone.
4. I love my three nephews. They make my world.
5. School is a lot more enjoyable for me now.
6. I wish I was the same size I was my senior year of high school.
7. I'm turning 20 this year, and I can't believe it.
8. I haven't been on a date in about 6 months, and I'm dying to go on one.
9. I'm really craving enchiladas right now.
10. I'm so excited Curtis is home! I get to see my best friend again!
11. I wish I spent more time with my sister.
12. I really need to put up my clothes. and clean my room haha
13. I can't wait to have kids of my own.
14. I need to lay back down.
15. I'm really confused about where my life is going.
16. I'm seriously considering going on a mission.
17. I'm addicted to Hot Cheetos.
18. I can't wait to be done with Chandler-Gilbert.
19. I want to go to BYU-I
20. I love my family even though they drive me up the wall about 80% of the time.
21. I'm going to Texas for spring break and I'm actually excited about it.
22. I'm a momma's girl and always will be. I love spending time with my mom.
23. I love my big truck but I'm ready to have a smaller car
24. I need and want a job, but the economy is making it difficult to find one.
25. It's time for me to go lay back down. My hips and my back are killing me.


Kristi said...

What happened to Bath & Body Works?

devree said...

i got laid off because i was holiday hire. they no longer needed me.