Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year, New Start

2010. Holy Crap, another year and another decade has gone by. I am now officially in my twenties and i aspire to make my twenties the best years of my life. I'm not terribly fond of making resolutions at New Year's since they always seem to be broken. However, I do want to make a few for myself that are little and attainable and therefore will be stepping stones towards bigger goals.

So. Of course, there is the cliche resolution- Lose Weight. Idealy, I would like to lose 50lbs. But that number is very overwhelming, so i've decided to take it in chunks. By the end of February i would like to have lost 10-15 pounds. I got a Wii Fit Plus for Christmas and I've enjoyed doing it so far. Right now, my goal is to do it for 5 days out of the week.

Also, I would like to take up a new hobby or refine an old one. I would like to learn how to decorate cakes more professionally or learn how to dance a social type of dance (ie salsa, samba or swing dancing).

Lastly, I would like to be a 3.0 student or better.

As for love, I'm going to take whatever happens. If I happen to get a boyfriend or dare I say it? get engaged...then GREAT! but if I don't then it's just not my time.

Here's to you 2010! May you be filled with happiness and joy!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

I dislike the spam on this post. However I do like this post. I need to start blogging again...